Image gallery


Central part of Messier M-42 Great Nebula in Orion in heat pseudo colors.

Object       : Messier M42 Great Nebula in Orion.

Date         : 2005-10-31T01:23
Optics       : PRT 300 mm @ f4.6 (f/4 + TeleVue paracorr)
Mount        : AP-900 GTO
CCD          : SBIG ST-1603XME camera with the photometric V filter
Exposure     : 50 x 1 minute.
Temperature  :-8C
Binning mode : 1x1
Processing   :
1)Calibration: Only master dark frame subtracted, no flat fielded.
               2)Registration of 50 calibraed FITS images.                 
               3)Stacking of 50 registered images with the kappa sigma
                 clipping (kp=1.3)algorithm.
               4)Pseudo heat colors applied.


Non-inverted image
This image of M31 galaxy in Andromeda shows good optical performance of my simple Newtonian 300mm/f4 telescope together with the TeleVue's Paracorr and SBIG's ST-1603XME CCD camera including permanently mounted photometric V filter. After some initial design problems, I am satisfied with this optical setup now. It seems to be coma free. This image was taken roughly 10 km from Geneva, which is very light polluted town. The second problem I have here is very limited FOV from my balcony observatory, so I usually have only one hour for imaging of some object per night. In any case I am using this observing place mostly for testing.

Object       : M31 - Great galaxy in Andromeda
Date         : 2005-08-30T22:00
Optics       : PRT 300 mm @ f4.6 (f/4 + TeleVue paracorr + photometric V filter)
Mount        : AP-900 GTO
CCD          : SBIG ST-1603XME camera
Exposure     : 60 x 1 minute.
Temperature  :+2C
Binning mode : 1x1
Processing   : FOV: 35 x 23 arcmin, 1.36"/pixel; master DF subtracted,
kappa sigma clipping (kp=1.3) of 60 one minute subexposures done, Moon 60%.

m31tl m31tr
m31bl m31br